IT has started to MOVE!! They call it crawling but IT doesn’t move that fast. IT now follows me wherever I go. That’s ok though I like the way IT tastes, and IT sometimes drops little vanilla treats for me, BUT STILL NO CHEERIOS!!!
Its hands and face are covered in stuff that taste like my Freezy Pups treats either the Apple or the Sweet Potato. One time my mommy let me clean IT off after IT finished eating sweet potatoes. Even though I MADE SURE IT was clean my daddy still gave IT a bath.
My mommy gave me and Lexi our new bandanas. I am so happy that other pups all over the country are dressing like me now. I am such a doggie fashionista, I am always setting the newest trends.
I have heard my daddy talking about a new photo contest. He says I can’t enter but all my friends can. He says the contest will be coming soon. Don’t worry I will tell you all the details once it starts.
Peace, Love, and Belly Rubs…
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